Oral & Maxillofacial Dept And Oral Implantology Unit
Poyanil Hospital, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta District
Poyanil Hosptal, Kozhencherry is 'NABH' Certified for Patient Safety & Quality of Care
Call + 91 9447244072
Dental Implants
Implants make it possible for people who either cannot or will not wear a conventional denture to have very firm, stable and visually attractive teeth. Implants can be used to replace one or more or all teeth.
Our team is capable for all bone manipulation techniques and grafts for difficult implant placement cases. We are well equipped with required armamentarium.
24hr Dental Theatre
24hr dental theatre with trained staff in primary maxillofacial trauma care is available. Corrective suturing (expert suturing to avoid/minimize scar) is done with help of loupe and associated armamentarium.
Management of maxillofacial trauma such as open reduction of fractures, internal fixation and reconstruction.
Our team is trained for Cleft lip & cleft palate surgeries, Orthognathic surgeries and Cosmetic surgeries.
High Risk Dental Care
Our routine practice includes High risk management of elderly and medically compromised patients. They are routinely managed with or without hospital admission.
Dental surgeries and procedures of Stroke patients and Cardiology patients are managed under direct monitoring of Cardiologist and Physician.
Dental procedures for non co-operative patients such as mentally challenged can be done under general anesthesia with prior medical clearance.
Dental Procedures Under General Anesthesia
General anesthesia differentiates itself from local anesthesia in that it numbs the body and puts the mind to sleep.
In this unconscious state, there is also an absence of fear and anxiety; it's for this last reason, in fact, that general anesthesia is sometimes used not only for complex dental treatment, but is also occasionally recommended for children and adults who experience acute dental anxiety.
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment (RCT) can be done for both adult and children as per requirement of saving the tooth.
While orthodontics is a treatment option to manage tooth movement, dentofacial orthopedics is essential to the guidance of jaw development.
Paediatric Dentistry
We specially focus to care children as the primary teeth provide important guides for the newly developing permanent teeth that will replace them.
Tooth Coloured Fillings & Crowns
Aesthetic-quality dental restorations make a difference in how you feel about your smile. We have trianed our practice in providing the best esthetic results.
Since 2001, with a special interest in Dental Trauma Care & Oral Implantology, Dr.Rajeev Simon Kurudamannil, has been practicing advanced restorative and surgical dentistry in various hospital setup. He is a recipient of numerous National awards, State awards & International appreciation More/>
Dr.Elizabeth Tintu Thomas who has got a passion in performing minor oral surgical procedures & aesthetic restorative work add quality to the total dental health care provided. More/>
“My teeth were in bad condition since last few years. Dr.Rajeev fixed all my teeth and I am able to chew everything I desire now. His procedures were painless. I feel now that I am young."
“I find Dr.Rajeev very proficient in Dentistry and an Excellent provider of High Quality Dental Care of International Standards. His infection control procedures and the methodological approach in Diagnosis and Treatment planning is commendable. I have worked with Dr.Rajeev and analyzed his Clinical Work. More over I have an excellent feed back from the patients I have referred to him for treatment in India.”